Issue 52
The scientific guide to: The Hajj
How physically fit do you need to be? To really embrace the journey and help you complete Hajj safely, preparation is key. Spend as much time on physical preparation as you do on spiritual preparation. The former will support the latter. As soon as you know you are going on Hajj, start spending time on
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The transport revolution
Going loopy Hyperloop There’s been a lot of hype, but this sleek capsule, built by California-based Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT), shows that super-fast hyperloop travel is on its way, promising speeds of up to 1,223km/h for city-to-city travel – faster than a commercial jet. The full-scale, 30m capsule is being prepared for testing at HyperloopTT’s
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Eat yourself happy
There’s a school of thought that says you are not one single organism, but rather a superorganism made up of many. Human cells make up less than half of what you call ‘you’ – the rest are trillions of bacteria, fungi and viruses in your gut, on your skin and throughout your tissues. You need
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Is there such thing as ‘too clean’?
Why would some people choose not to wash? Our skin is covered in more than 1,000 types of bacteria, plus viruses, fungi and mites. Don’t go bathing in antibacterial hand gel, though: most of these are harmless, and some are beneficial to us. This ecosystem is called the ‘skin microbiome’ and can actually protect us
Is there such thing as ‘too clean’? Read More »
Should you upgrade your brain?
Would you have an IQ-boosting microchip implanted in your brain if you had the chance? What if everyone else around you did? Imagine your work colleagues outperforming you, and your friends having conversations you can’t quite follow. Would you upgrade your brain then? Should you? It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not such an
Should you upgrade your brain? Read More »